70-85% concentration
Protein concentrate
Produced in Poland from hemp cake – the residue from pressing hemp oil from whole seeds, it will be ideal as an ingredient in products where caloric content may be higher. It contains a higher fatty acid and carbohydrate content than isolate.
Hemp Protein Concentrate (HPC) is prepared by removing most of the water-insoluble, non-protein components. HPC contains, at a minimum, 65% protein on a dry weight basis. The remaining 20-30% of the content is fats and carbohydrates. Hemp concentrate is an excellent product base for bars, meat substitutes, protein products i.e. yogurts, cheeses, in the production of ice cream, baked goods, soups, protein shakes, ready meals. It is a highly nutritious, safe and convenient auxiliary material for the manufacture of many food processing products.
85-95% concentration
Protein isolate
Produced in Poland from hemp cake – the residue from pressing hemp oil from whole seeds, it will be ideal as an ingredient in low-calorie products. The product has a lower carbohydrate and fatty acid content than concentrate.
Hemp Protein Isolate (HPI) is prepared to meet food processing needs that entail minimal impact of undesirable non-protein components. It is the most purified and enriched form of commercial protein product, with a protein content of about 90%. Excellent as a functional additive in many food industries, it contains all essential amino acids. The isolate’s extremely high pure protein content makes it easy to use in almost any formulation and purpose.